Saturday, March 3, 2012

About TreesPlease

Who are we?
TreesPlease is a volunteer-driven community-based initiative of the Annex Residents' Association (ARA) Parks and Trees Committee. The Annex is a densely-populated neighbourhood of 15,602 (2006) residents who live in the area from Bathurst Street to the west, to the north side of Dupont Street, along Avenue Road to the east and Bloor Street West to the south.

History & Project
TreesPlease was established in the Fall of 2010, with growing awareness in the community that the neighbourhood had lost and was continuing to lose much of its tree canopy. Many of these trees had been planted well on a century ago, and are coming to the end of their lifespan. To enhance the health, environmental and energy benefits of the tree canopy, TreesPlease undertook a four-year (2011-2014) survey of the neighbourhood’s entire tree canopy coverage, as a basis for planning and encouraging tree canopy health and diversity.
 Spadina at Lowther looking North, 1949
Our Vision
Achieve a healthier and greener Annex community, optimize the multiple social, ecological and economic benefits of trees to the neighbourhood and become a model for other neighbourhoods.

Our Goal
Maintain, replenish and increase both the tree canopy and tree diversity in the Annex, through community engagement, thereby maximizing the health, social, economic and ecological benefits of our urban forest.

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